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Our working trip to Krakow began on August 27th (to be precise, it began in June and in August with our voiceband rehearsal at school) with 9AM arrival of the bus in front of Prague's theater Pidivadlo, which drove us into the passion of Polish culture.
The whole trip we were wondering what can we expect in Poland, what the daily workshops are going to be like and how will it feel to conduct a show performed by students from four different countries – The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. It was one big question mark for us and we were really looking forward to it.
In the evening, after checking in a hostel Premium, there was an exquisite opening dinner waiting for us. There we met all the colleagues from other countries and the director Mr. Wiesław Hołdys.
The next day we went to Villa Decius, where we practiced our collective show and where the mentioned daily workshops took place. At first, the students of every country showed their finished scenes (we had trained the mentioned voiceband – a fairy tale O koze by Bozena Nemcova) and then we started to think how to put all the scenes together, so it would have connection between one and the other, and then how to involve Czech students into Polish scenes. Me and some other colleagues were assigned for Polish scene O Smolickovi. At first reading exam I was a little worried about how things are going to go, because I had little problems with understanding Polish language at first, so we had to explain many things to each other in English, my worries soon wore away, because we discovered that we're all on the same page, so all the ''foreign language'' problems disappeared and the very pleasant, nice and fulfilling cooperation began.
From Wednesday to Friday we were rehearsing our scenes outside – in the forest near Villa Decius. That was probably the thing I enjoyed the most. I had never been in nature for so long, not to mention we got to create art there. It was completely different from the the work we were used to in our home school and therefore very enriching. Every morning we had a small warm-up exercise in the woods, and a couple of ''games'', which target was to bring us all closer together and gain trust for the others (and they surely got their job done). And after that we started to work. Me and a few of my Prague's colleagues were assigned into another Polish scenes, this time it was for Jezinky. In this scene, we even had to sing in Polish language, so it was (especially for the Polish colleagues) extremely entertaining to see us writing down the Polish words phonetically, so we could pronounce them properly :-)
We had a day off on Saturday, so we had time to see Krakow, its historic and culture landmarks, such as castle Wawel, significant neighborhood Kazimierz, etc. One miss from the Polish association Teatr Mumerus even arranged a Czech speaking guide for us, so the tour of Krakow was also an amazing experience. In the evening, we gathered in the theater Zaležny, where the show ''Hra o pejskovi a kocicce'' of our Prague's students of puppetry took place.
The whole meaning of our trip should start on Sunday. We had a big final rehersal starting early in the morning, we were fixing our last deficiencies, we were urgently searching for the last things we needed, we practiced the entire show for the last time from the start to the very end, we created a schedule a we were ready to go. The outcome of the week of hard work started at 5PM with a combined show: " Pribehy pocatku''. And it was an amazing feeling. The audience was having fun, we were happy about their appreciation and that gave us pure energy and drive for the entire night.
Javorková Markéta
It was 27th September and me and my school mates that were chosen for this project were about to leave to Krakow from Pidivadlo theatre in Prague. All of us were full of expectations. What it will be like? What will the polish people be like? Many other questions we had in our minds. We were going to a foreign country to educate ourselve, to get to know new people that were interested in the same thing – theatre and acting.
When we arrived to Krakow we had a very warm welcome by Wieslaw Holdys and had a diner together. We got a timetable of the following week and got all informations we needed. Since this time I knew this workshop will be fine, because I sew Wieslaw as a good and capable person that know what he does.
I was right. The following day we met at 10am to warm up ourselve. The excersises were done every morning at this time with all group. This was done for to release our tension in our muscles, but also for to feel our college, no to be afraid to step up and say something among the others loudly, to express ourselves. So we played games as well to feel good with everyone. The first day (28.9. tuesday) we worked on our fairytale O koze by B. Němcová as a voiceband and than we worked on the scene with the masks and costumes. In the end we decided to put a song „Když jsem já sloužil to první léto“, which is a czech folk song and it fit into our fairytale as an intro. Than we were about to play it as scene and in the final we made a modern version o fit ; something like a beatbox.
I really enjoyed to work on this project. I think all of us had learned more about how to naturaly react in each situation, to feel other actors, how to feel a space between us, to compose singing and moveing together which was quite hard. We had to learn where and when to make an „S“ pause according to the situation. Voiceband was a nice and good experience too. I had never done it before. It was quite different from the scene with the masks, it was easier, becauce you didn´t have to move. You could concentrate on singing and melody of voiceband. But both actions were good and we learned a lot of it. To work with Karel Vostárek and Marta Hrachovinová was a great experience.
We also were about to participate on the project that was going to be done together in the final of it. We were mixed together; actors from Czech and Poland. A fairytale about Smoliček we did with polish actors. The work on it was a good experience as well. Eventhough I didn´t understand each word, I ask in english than and I was surprised how everyone spoke english. I admire Wieslaw, the main director and Lena, his co-director and their team for their crativity.
To be honest I was kind of confused when we went throught all the scenes on friday, because each country has its peace and the audience would had gone through the forest from one place to another. So I thought people would be confused by this. But I was wrong. In the end I really liked it and I must admit it was a great idea. The audince was IN the story of fairytales. People were a part of the scene. They moved from one place to another where an actual piece was played. In the end we recived a grat aplause and that was the price for the five days lasting work.
I have to write thanks to all, aspecially M. Hrachovinová and K. Vostárek that gave us an opportunity to cooperate on this project, to Wieslaw, Lena, Robert and Jasiu for their creativity, Asha, Agneska, all Kasha´s, Kaja and all of the amazing group of people we could work with. Thank YOU ALL again!! I hope there will be another opportunity to cooperate together again.
Jasiu Komberec